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The Iowa Blues Showcase is on the AIR
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Internet Radio: Blues From Oxford
Blues from Oxford
More Cool Local Blues News
Friday, August 3, 2007
Bonnie Raitt: Something To Talk About
The Tramps: Disco Inferno
Blogcritic: Solomon BurkeThe King Live At AVO Session Basel

Ouch! Poor Solomon Burke gets raked over the coals over this DVD reviewed by Blogcritic. Of course Blogcritic also dissed Janiva Magness last release, and it did quite well:-) As always take reviews as interesting tidbits of information, but if you like the artist buy the DVD. In defense of the king of soul, Solomon Burke is getting up there in years, he is not the artist he was years ago, when he and Ray Charles ruled the early days of soul music. So I would cut him some slack. Comparing Burke, to James Brown, as the reviewer did, is really more like apples and oranges. Plus, James Brown stayed in amazing shape till the very end, and still put on a great show. Not everyone is gifted with that ability to perform at top level at that age. I also tend to disagree with his assessment of 70s soul. Most of it was pretty good, even when disco hit its height there were still some decent songs that fit the disco age, but still had soul, like the Tramps,(Disco Inferno) and Commodores. (Brick House) (okay, Linoel Richie had a few stinkers, but the commodores were still pretty good)
However, from my perspective it is good that Solomon Burke is still out there making music. It may not be for everyone, but I can bet, that many of you will love the DVD anyway.
To read the review Click HERE
Kentucky Blues Festival August 4th

The Kentucky blues Society is putting on the Kentucky Blues Festival, Saturday August 4th. The fest is located in Bowling Green Kentucky at Fountain Square Park, and several other locations. For more information check out their website.
Here is the list of performers from the Kentucky Blues Society webpage:
The Kentucky Blues Festival - start to finish
NOON Wayne Harper (acoustic)
12:20 Michael Gough, John Martin, Brent Travelsted
1:00 Chuck Wells and Stone Cold Blues
2:00 Ernie Small Blues Band
3:00 The Fender Benders
4:00 CJ Vaughn & Highway 58
5:00 Lew Jetton & 61 South
Kentucky Statewide Blues Jam
starts at 6:00
featuring everybody
7:30 Sam Bush w/Duckbutter
6 Steve English, Kelley Coleman, Brent Travelsted, Jason Gregory
7 Wayne Harper and Friends
8:15 Lew Jetton & 61 South
9:45 Chuck Wells and Stone Cold Blues
11:30 Jason Gregory, Delbert Fields, Dave Rich
8 One Shot Johnny
9 C J Vaughn & Highway 58
10:15 The Ernie Small Blues Band
11 45 Kyle Daniels new band "The Last Straw"
Filmmakers Needed For Blues Movie In Mississippi
For more details Click HERE for the NBPC website.Mississippi Public Broadcasting in Jackson will be the host of a training session this fall for filmmakers, focusing on the culture and history of the Mississippi Delta and the impact of blues music in America.
The session, scheduled for Nov. 11-17, is sponsored by the National Black Programming Consortium, a provider of public television programming that recognizes the cultural heritage of African Americans and the African diaspora. Organizers are searching for 25 participants.
The week-long on-site residency session in Jackson follows a six-week virtual workshop series — NBPC’s New Media Institute, a professional development training program for new and experienced filmmakers interested in working with the latest in digital technology.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Cubs In First!

The Commitments Trailer
Bottom line, that movie showed that the Irish have soul, and if you know the history of the Irish it really makes sense. By the time the movie was made Ireland had, had its freedom from England for around 7o years, but it was still mired in a terrible economic slump. Ireland was known as the third world of Europe. The movie shows the poverty in Dublin at the time. However, in the last 15 years Ireland has rode a wave of economic expansion due to companies that deal with computers and other information age related businesses. If you watch the movie many of the comments about Ireland are no longer accurate, especially in its relationship to Europe and England.
Elvin Bishop, Pinetop Perkins, and Little Smoky Smothers
Johnny Winter: Mean Town Blues
Uncle John Turner RIP

Hard times in Texas. Another Texas bluesman has left us. Uncle John Turner died on July 26th. He became famous as the drummer for Johnny Winter, and then years later he was in the band Krackerjack with Stevie Ray Vaughn. For an extensive bio and obit check out the Houston Press blog HERE. For even more information you should check out this website HERE.
Oliver Morgan RIP

To read his obit Click HERE.
Red Wood City Blues Jam

I don't normally post about blues jams, but this is a worthy exception. Sometimes a Jam session can be the catalyst for a growing blues scene. I know that in Kansas City, the KC Blues Band and their legendary jams certainly gave a struggling KC blues scene a shot in the arm. Also what would Austin Texas be without the jams at Antoine's.
The Bay area has a jam that also has attained legendary status. The Red Wood City Blues Jam has an incredible mix of national, regional and local players who each week get together at the Little Fox Theater, and play some hot licks. They have a great webpage, you can check it out here.
(Pictured is the founder of the jam (Westside
George Schoenstein)who is one of those guys who has done a ton of great things to keep the blues alive. Read about him HERE)
This is a quote from the website that really sums up what goes on there:
Every Wednesday from 7 PM to 11 PM, the beautiful historic Little Fox opens its doors to the jam hosted by the elite of Bay Area Blues - Kenny Neal, Steve Freund, Volker Strifler, Daniel Castro and Mark Hummel just to mention a few. What follows is a jam like no other. Some of the finest blues artists, national artists on tour, local luminaries and amateurs, start to mix it up. For the musicians, it's an opportunity to play the blues with peers of unbelievable talent. For the fans in the 240 seat capacity crowd, it's an amazing show every week with new talent and the unpredictable excitement that only a blues jam can bring.If you are in the area this is a must see. It reminds me of the Sunday night blues jam at the Roxy in Overland Park, when Oliver Reilly and the Blue Notions were at their hight. National acts stopping by, hundreds of people dancing and grooving, and a hot house band.
Thanks Vince for the Tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Garbled Posts
Mississippi Tourism
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Delta Rhythm Blues: Rigoletto Blues
Hawkeye Herman: Nobody Loves You When You Are Down And Out
Illnois blues Update

Downtown Springfield & The Illinois Central Blues Club presents
Old Capitol Blues & BBQ
August 25, 2007 Noon to Midnight
Fifth & Washington Streets - Downtown Springfield, IL
Admission is just $5
Sonny Landreth
Little Rachel & the Rhythm Busters
Bill Lupkin & the Chicago Blues Coalition
w/ Willie "Big Eyes" Smith
Illinois Central Blues Challenge - 9 Bands competing
I think I listed this show a few weeks ago, but hey sometimes once is not enough. After all this is their first festival, so if you are in the area try to make it out there so they will do it again!
All roads lead to Sun Prairie for the 1st Annual
Angell Park, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Saturday, September 8, 2007 Noon to 10:00 p.m.
Shari Davis & the Hootchy-Kootchy Band
Tate’s and the 008 Blues Band
Tickets: $10.00 in advance / $15.00 at the gate
For Complete Information and schedule CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE to visit Festival website!
Blues in the Ozarks! I always look at the Ozarks as home of country music, and large lakes. However, they have a blues fest coming up.

500 N Campbell Ave Springfield, MO
Friday, September 7, 2007
6:30PM Aunt Kizzy'z Boyz
8:00PM Lil' Ed & the Blues Imperials
9:30PM Joe Bonamassa
Saturday, September 8, 2007
1:00PM The Cate Brothers (Reunion)
3:00PM Lara Price Band
5:00PM Anthony Gomes
7:00PM Leon Russell
9:00PM North Mississippi All Stars
CLICK HERE for Ticket Info * Map *
Festival Website:
Jimmy T-99 Nelson RIP

bad news from the Houston Chronicle. Jimmy T-99 Nelson died on July 30th. A nice history of Jimmy can be read here. Nelson had a couple of hits T-99 Blues, and Meet Me With Your Black Dress On. Another nice story on Nelson can be read here at the Houston Press Blog.
Houston Press also found a video of Nelson on Youtube. It is a very nice version of Piney Brown Blues done at one time by Big Joe Turner. It was about one of the classic bars down on Vine Street in KC, and Piney Brown owned one of the best clubs down their.
Bobby Robinson Faces Eviction in NYC

Got this tip for the Yahoo Post-war newsgroup. According to the Daily News. Music store owner and hit record producer Bobby Robinson faces eviction from his long time spot in New York City. Considering the price of real estate in the area it is amazing he has hung on as long as he has. For more info read the article from the Daily News HERE.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
KM Williams: Texas County Boogie
Tab Benoit: Garbageman Blues
St Louis Blues
It is nice that in the article one person pretty much tells it like it is. The blues ebbs, and flows. It always has, and always will.
Anyway, to read the story check out the KOMU TV website in St. Louis.
Wingnut Adams

Craig Brewer Interveiw

The writer and director of Black Snake Moan, has an interesting interview at If you haven't rented Black Snake Moan you really need to. It is a throwback to the 70s exploitation films, yet, it also has a very strong message of the redemptive powers of the blues. This movie is not for children! So don't make it a family night film!!!! However, it is not a too nasty of a film, and the end of the film, while expected, albeit a bit too happy of an ending. However, there is powerful healing mojo in the blues so who am I to question the power of the blues:-)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Clarence Frogman Henry: Frogman Blues
Here is the Frogman Blues from Clarence Frogman Henry.
Stevie Ray Vaughn: Crossfire
Big Muddy Blues Festival

Fun times in St. Louis! The Big Muddy Blues Festival is coming up next month September 1-2. here is the scheadule of events from the Laclede's Landing website.
Saturday, September 1st
Main Stage: First & Lucas Street
3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Big George Brock & The Houserockers
5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Joanna Connor
7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Alvin Jett & Phat Noiz Blues Band
9:00 Big Sam's Funky Nation
2nd & Lucas Street Stage
3:00 - 4:00 p.m Leroy Pierson
4:45 - 5:45 p.m. Dogtown Allstars
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Ground Floor Band
8:15 - 9:15 p.m. Cryin' Shame Band
10:00 – 11:00 p.m. Marsha Evans Coalition w/ Stacy Johnson
2nd & Morgan Street Stage
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Brian Curran
5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Bottoms Up Blues Gang
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. David Dee & Hot Tracks Band
8:45 – 9:45 p.m. Marquise Knox & Rough Grooves Band
10:30 - 11:30 p.m. Marcell Strong & The Apostles
Sunday, September 2nd
Main Stage: First & Lucas Street
3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Terry “Big T” Williams & Wesley “Junebug” Jefferson,
5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Kim Massie Band
7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Devon Allman's Honeytribe
9 p.m. Ike Turner & The Kings of Rhythm
2nd & Lucas Street Stage
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Tom Hall
4:45 - 5:45 p.m. Bone Daddy & The Blues Shakers
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Soulard Blues Band
8:15 - 9:15 p.m. Los Carnales Blues Band
10:00 – 11:00 p.m. Uncle Albert
2nd & Morgan Street Stage
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Ron Edwards & Silvercloud
5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Melissa Neels Band
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Inner City Blues Band
8:45 - 9:45 p.m. Billy Peek
10:30 - 11:30 p.m. Boo Boo Davis Blues Band

Ike Turner Day Turned Down By St Louis

The Mayor of St. Louis, turned down the Big Muddy Blues Festival Organizers request to declare an Ike Turner Day. Ike is not the most likable person in the world, and he is being punished for his past history with his ex-wife Tina, and past drug use. However, the guy is 75 years old, and isn't time to move on. He is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, has a star on the St. Louis walk of stars, and he is an important figure in the history of Rock & Roll. Most of these old blues guys, and gals have not lived model lives.
However, it is the mayor, and the city of St Louis's decision. Certainly Ike has a good attitude about it. His answer was he was coming to play music and make the people happy, not coming to get an award. He did say that he was sorry for what he did to Tina all those years ago. At the very least he apologize to Tina and that was a good step.
For more info Click here, here, here, and here.
Blues At Northampton University England
• Michael Baytop - 'Bones'
Hailing from Washington DC, Michael plays the 'bones' as a percussion instrument to sound like castanets and tap drums. He will be giving a 'bones' workshop, demonstrating rhythm techniques associated with various blues styles. He learned this instrument from Richard 'Mr Bones' Thomas, a master craftsman and regular fixture on the Washington DC music scene.
• Danny McCormack - Keyboards
Danny will be accompanying vocals classes on keyboards throughout Blues Week 2007. Currently playing with Roy Wood, Danny was born in London and now based in Birmingham. He started playing piano aged 12 and at 17, he joined King Pleasure and the Biscuit Boys. He has also played with Van Morrison and Bobby Parker amongst others.
• Stefan Grossman - Guitar
Stefan has recorded over 20 solo albums and started Kicking Mule Records in 1968, a label that showcased blues guitar. A true pioneer, his Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop and Vestapol Videos have set the standard for all of the teaching that takes place in blues workshops throughout the world.
• Ari Eisinger - Guitar
A guitarist and singer who plays blues from the early years of its development. The authenticity with which he recreates some of the best and instrumentally complex guitar music is unprecedented.
• Grant Dermody - Harmonica
A harmonica player known for his rich tone, tasteful solos and solid rhythmic playing, Grant Dermody is making a welcome return to Blues Week 2007 after his successful workshops last year.
• Dennis Gruenling - Harmonica
Dennis has been laying down some of the best blues and roots harmonica in the East Coast of America region for over a dozen years now. Dennis has been pulling in countless fans and numerous accolades from critics and musicians for his swinging, highly original harmonica sound and top-notch band.
• Michael Messer - Bottleneck Slide Guitar
Michael Messer is a slide guitar master. His obsessive appetite for knowledge of the art is virtually unequalled. To further reflect the esteem in which he is held, Newtone Strings in conjunction with National Reso-phonic Guitars have a Michael Messer brand specifically made for National guitars.
• Scott Ainsley - Bottleneck Slide Guitar
Scott has forty years studying and playing traditional music, visiting and documenting senior musicians in America's old-time banjo and fiddle music, blues and gospel traditions. He produced a teaching DVD on the guitar techniques of delta blues legend Robert Johnson, and a book on Johnson's music 'Robert Johnson/At The Crossroads' ( Hal Leonard, 1992 ).
Michael Roach, Founder of the European Blues Association and Director of Blues Week 2007, also hosts his own guitar and vocals masterclasses at the event. Firmly established within blues music circles, he has four solo acoustic CDs under his belt and has just released the highly acclaimed album I betcha!.
He is now known as a vocalist and leader of his own eight piece soul/rhythm and blues band.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Artist Of The Week: Bob Pace

Photo Of The Week: John Woody Wood

I think what I miss the most about Woody was his calming ability. Our band was a basketcase, and Woody was the sane one. He was the glue that held us together, and the fact that we lasted as long as we did is testament to his good humor. I can recall a few out of town gigs, that I felt sick and tired, both physically, and with the band, and wanting to quit before we left town, but Woody could get me to reconsider, and by the end of the night I would be ready to play five more gigs. I think that Woody could put things in perspective since he had faced things that would floor most people. When he was young he had incredible long hair. Then almost over night it was gone due to Alopecia. I am having trouble accepting thinning hair on the top of my head, but think about being in your mid 20s, and having no hair. What was amazing about him, is he was so cool with it, and accepting of it. In fact, the women loved it too.
Its on days like these where I miss Woody, Jimmy, and Chicago Rick. They were good friends who left far too soon. They were family to me, and to a lot of the blues musicians in town. They are people that you can't replace, and are hard to forget even a year later.
I hope that in the next few weeks to highlight some of the local blues guys who have left in the last few years, so that their memories can remain in cyberspace as long as this blog goes on.
Internet Radio : Blues Radio
No news about the future of Internet radio. Things are still in limbo. Hopefully something permanent will happen in the near future. As for today, the high fees are still on hold, so Internet radio is still going. However, if you want to save Internet radio, then call your Representative, and Senator TODAY! Even though Sound Exchange, has agreed to hold off on collecting fees, that is no means a win for Internet radio. They could change their mind tomorrow. So make sure that you let Washington know how you feel.
Please check out this link to Rusty On Radio. It is pretty much what I thought above. There is no settlement, and perhaps Sound Exchange is trying to do an end around. Typical corporate BS. Muddle the truth, pretend to negotiate in good faith, and then when they have enough politicians, and the public on their side, pull the rug.
I will add Rusty On Radio to the link lists.