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The Iowa Blues Showcase is on the AIR
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Jamming At The Gathering Place

Lynard Skynard: They Call Me The Breeze
Enjoy my boyhood idols Lynard Skynard playing They Call Me The Breeze.
Carl Carlton: Everlasting Love
Jonnie Taylor: Stop Dogging Me Around
Friday, May 18, 2007
Another Great Buddy Guy Interview

Buddy Guy is playing the Playboy Jazz Festival tomorrow, and is featured in a great new article from the Signal in Santa Clarita. I love the last line of the interview.
"Guys who play the blues don't retire they just drop."
So true, so true:-)
Besides the author is writing about how degrading dancehall music is to women and to the culture in general. I would think the audience he is writing to must be having a tough time deciphering the first paragraph alone. Oh, BTW, the story originated form the Jamaica Journal.
Beale Street The Blues DisneyLand.
So how did the Beale of the past become the Beale of today? It all starts in the 1960s with the urban renewal movement. Many large cities were faced with crumbling infrastructure. Cities starting loosing there tax bases as whites fled to the suburbs. The federal government provided large sums of grants and loans to cities to rebuild and repair their inner cities, plus provided funding to create freeway systems that could connect to the interstate highway systems being built in the 1950s. So Memphis unlike Kansas City, which tore down its historic 12th street, decided to remake Beale Street into a tourist trap. amazingly an architect of the day wanted to remake Beale into a musical Disneyland. As friends of mine have told me, Beale was remade, old building tore down, new building with false facades were put in there place. African Americans who had built Beale were pushed out into new low income housing. This went on not only in Memphis but all over the US.
So, when I read about Memphis touting Beale Street as home of the blues, on one hand I am happy that African American music and culture are being promoted, but saddened because the real Beale is long gone.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Professor Longhair Tipatina
Billie Holiday and Louie Armstrong
Bo Diddley Bo Diddley

btw, the Iowa Cubs continue to win. However, at some point you have to believe that the Chicago Cubs will start calling up some of the I Cubs, and Iowa can kiss their season goodbye as well.
Canadian Blues Fest
Here is the line up for the show from the festival webpage.
9th annual Edmonton's Labatt Blues Festival 2007
Friday August 24
Gate 4:30 Show 5:30 - 10 pm
Saturday August 25
Gate 1:00 Show 2:30 - 10 pm
Watermelon Slim and the Workers
Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gentlemen
Sunday August 26 Sponsored by Waterloo Ford
Gate 1:00 Show 2:30 - 10 pm
Follow the links to band biographys found on the Blues International LTD Web page. This songs like a good show, so if you are up in the north land check it out. BTW, the show features Iowa native Elvin Bishop on Friday!
Blog Critic Review: Time Bomb

Latest review from Blogcritic on an interesting release from Ruf Records. It is a trio of Ruf Record performers in this case three women, Sue Foley, Deborah Coleman, and Roxanne Potvin. The name of the album is Time Bomb, and the review is great. The three women will also be touring together this summer. Sounds like a great show don't miss it.
Bo Diddley Improving

From the Washington Post. Bo Diddley is improving in an Omaha hospital after suffering a stroke on Saturday. He was playing two shows at a Council Bluffs Iowa casino when he felt ill. After the show he became disoriented and was taken to the hospital. Doctors believe he will perform again.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Nat King Cole With The Mills Brothers
Willie Dixon Nervous
Marie Muldaur Interview

Marie Muldaur is 63! Where does the time fly. She is still a good looking woman though, and still singing the blues. Here is a interview from the Providence Journal in Rhode Island. She is playing in Rhode Island Thursday night. check out the link above for more info.
Bristol Tennesee Old Time Blues Fest

This looks like it might be a local blues fest, but it looks like it is going to be pretty cool. I am kinda of a sucker for delta, hill, Piedmont, and jug bands, and this fest looks like it might be right up my alley. Unfortunately work and high gas prices will keep me from this one, but if you are around Bristol Tennessee you should stop and check this one out.
According to the TriCities website:
Broken Strings Productions, along with Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion and the Birthplace of Country Music Alliance will present “The Inaugural Bristol Old-Time & Mountain Blues Jubilee” on May 25,at 7 p.m. at the Paramount Center for the Arts in historic downtown Bristol, Tenn.Looks like a fun time. If anyone makes the show be sure to comment on it.
The Jubilee will feature five of the south’s most talented and up and coming old-time acts for one electrifying evening of music. Joining the Carolina Chocolate Drops on the bill are local favorites Roy Andrade & Greg Burgler, Knoxville's Maid Rite String Band and The Bearded, and Atlanta's Rising Appalachia.
The band pictured above is the Carolina Chocolate Drops I found a myspace page for them here.
I must admit that they sound a lot like the hillbilly music that my grandparents listened to down on the farm:-) Pretty funky stuff. In fact the song Ricketts Hornpipe sounds a lot like an Irish Reel.
Joseph A Rosen Exhibit in Minneapolis

The Ice Box Gallery in Minneapolis Minnesota will have a nice exhibit of blues photos by Joesph Rosen. The exhibit opens tomorrow May 17th and runs through September 8. Rosen is an outstanding photographer, and this collection is worth the trip to Minneapolis. For more on the show and an interview with the photographer click the link to Modern Guitars for more details.
Dave Honeyboy Edwards From The Blues Shoes Project
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
New Zealand Blues

Hey! A shout out to New Zealand blues lovers. I found a link and a movie you might enjoy. it is about the New Zealand blues band, The Windy City Strugglers. The movie is called, Struggle No More. Follow the link for more info. I kinda of wish the movie was playing here, but it is only on New Zealand TV.

Blog Critic Review: Coco Montoya, Dirty Deal

Another Blog Critic review, this one about Coco Montoya's Dirty Deal CD. A mixed review to say the least. While the critic liked the music, he didn't like the fact that all the songs were about relationships. I suppose if relationships are whats giving you the blues, then you probably write about it? Montoya usually is pretty dependable when it comes to blues, so if you are a fan you might want to skip the review and just buy the CD. Otherwise you can read it here.
Congressional Blues Fest
Here is the lineup for tomorrows show in DC.
The Derek Trucks Band
The DerekTrucks Band has been a work in progress for over 10 years, blending jazz, rock, blues, Latin, Eastern Indian, and other world music into the sound that now defines the DTB. The DTB aims to create progressive roots music in an effort to move the art form forward and re establish substance over hype. Derek's music career began at the age of 9 and he is also a member of the Allman Brothers Band.
Sweet Betty
Born in Duluth, GA, just northeast of Atlanta, Betty Echols Journey grew up listening to gospel music. (Her mother's singing in church influenced her.) Aspiring to become a singer herself, Betty began singing at parties at her friends' homes. In the mid 1980's, she wasintroduced to legendary saxophonist, Grady "Fats" Jackson. Jackson was so impressed with Betty's vocals that he began bringing her with him to his performances. It was through Jackson that Betty met former Muddy Waters guitarist, "Steady Rollin" Bob Margolin. Margolin and his band, upon passing thought the southern region of the United States in the early 1990's would regularly perform with Jackson and Betty in such places as Jackson Station nightclub in Hodges, South Carolina and Blind Willie's or Blues Harbor in Atlanta, GA.
Born on the banks of the Mississippi and raised in Georgia, Mudcat dropped out of acting school in New Yorkto pursue a Blues major on the streets. Eventually he graduated to Atlanta where he converted the Northside Tavern into his school of music. His tutelage continues under Cootie Stark, Frank Edwards, Eddie Tigner and Cora Mae Bryant. A world class slide guitarist with a voice so rich it feels fattening, Mudcat's education is something you can feel right to your bones.
Adolphus Bell
Adolphus Bell is a 61 year old performer who was born in and grew up in Alabama. He has beenperforming since age 22, 4 years after moving to Pittsburgh, PA. He developed a "One Man Band" concept when he became discouraged with his band members. Bell plays guitar, drums, high hat, harp and sings. He has been doing this and serving as an activist trying to improve the lives of urban ghetto youths since the late 1960's. He began touring Europe and released his first CD in 2005 with the help of the folks at Music Maker.
I don't know if the show is sold out, and unfortunatly I just stumbled upon this gig tonight! AARRRGHH!!! However, for those of you near DC who want to check out this very cool gig, then check out the Congressional Blues Fest webpage here.
Blues, Bikes, And BBQ, In Buffalo?????
If you are near Buffalo and want to go, or just interested in more info then go HERE.
Another Nice Blues In Schoools Article
Latest From SaveNetRadio
Thank you once again for your support of the SaveNetRadio campaign. As you know, the future of internet radio is in serious jeopardy. Thanks to all your letters and calls to Congressional representatives the “Internet Radio Equality Act ", H.R. 2060, has been co-sponsored by over 70 Representatives in just 2 short weeks!
Now internet radio needs your help again: Due to the amazing momentum of the Internet Radio Equality Act in the House of Representatives, Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Sam Brownback of Kansas have introduced a companion bill in the Senate, S. 1353, also named “The Internet Radio Equality Act.”
We ask that you take a moment to now call your Senators to ask them to co-sponsor S. 1353, The Internet Radio Equality Act, introduced by Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Sam Brownback of Kansas.
In addition, if you have not called your representative in the House yet, we ask that you make this call as well to ask your representative to co-sponsor H.R. 2060, The Internet Radio Equality Act, introduced by Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington.
To find the phone numbers for your Senators and for your Congressional representative, as well as talking points for the calls, please visit http://capwiz.com/saveinternetradio/home/ and enter your zip code.
As you can see from the speed at which the House bill is picking up co-sponsors, your phone calls are an extremely effective way to pressure your representatives in Congress to lend their support to internet radio.Your opinion matters to your representatives, and it matters to us. Without your support these bills could not have been introduced and without your continued support they cannot be passed.
Please visit SaveNetRadio.org to continue following the fight to Save Internet Radio.
Thank you,The SaveNetRadio Coalition
To donate to the SaveNetRadio campaign please visit https://ssl.capwiz.com/saveinternetradio/fundraising/?alertid=9704731&type=FR.
Any amount is greatly appreciated and thanks once again for your support.
Skip James Crow Jane
Monday, May 14, 2007
Czech Musician Plays The Blues

Interesting story about a Czech Musician who is trying to play the blues in Chicago. It takes guts to move to a new place and try to start a new life. You can read his story here.
Jimmy Burns Review

Here is a blogcritic review of Jimmy Burns latests release. Jimmy was one of those blues cats that after a few recordings he retired to make moneyto raise his family. Once they grew up, then he started playing again. Great review, read it here.
Simple Song Of Freedom
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Up A Lazy River Mills Brothers, With Dino!!
Lucky Peterson Artist Of The Week

Like I said a couple of posts down. Lucky Peterson is one of the most underrated blues performers out there today. Lucky has been performing since he was 4, and is an outstanding guitarist, piano player, and vocalists. Here is a link to his alligator bio. As always check out the video selection in the Google sidebar.
Photo Of The Week Blues On Grand