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The Iowa Blues Showcase is on the AIR
Friday, October 19, 2007
Bob Margolin and Willie Big Eyes Smith:
Blues Traveler: Hook
Rebroadcast of 1-4-03 Iowa Blues Showcase Sunday 10am Central US Time
Please feel free to email me if the stream doesn't work, or quality is not great. I have things set up so that even dial up should be able to enjoy the music. I am not expecting a ton of hits during the show, but if we do peak on listenership I will probably bump up the maximum amount of listeners for the following weeks show.
I hope you enjoy the show. This weeks show features Roy Cashman, Steve George, Don Brown, and Dewey Cantrell. Frank Strong doing Des Moines on 50$, and the worlds most dangerous blues band the Bad Boys of the Blues! See ya Sunday! Click HERE to access the Iowa Blues Showcase internet radio station.
Blues Traveler Interview

Blues Traveler has been under the radar for a few years, but they are still out on the road and making music. The Pensacola News Journal has an interview with Chan Kinchla of the band. Click Here for more info.
Bob Margolin Interview

Bob Margolin is interviewed in the Ashville Citizen Times. Bob is best known as one of Muddy Waters lead guitarists, and since the death of Muddy, has kept alive Muddy's style of blues. Click Here to read all about it.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Modern Guitar Magazine CD Review: Mark Nomad

Czech Guitar Maker

A cool article from the Prague Post, about František Javůrek, who makes resonator steel guitars. I learned something new from the article, that the resonator guitar was created by a couple of Czech immigrants here in the United States. Here is an interesting quote from the article:
Two brothers, John and Rudy Dopyera, invented the resonator guitar as we know it today. They were born the sons of a local miller in Dolná Krupá, a village in the Trnava region of Slovakia. John built his first violin at an early age. After the family emigrated to California in 1908, John became a master luthier. Then, in 1926, vaudeville performer George Beauchamp asked him to construct a guitar whose sound would be louder and have more bite, and therefore outshine the other instruments in the combo. John Dopyera arranged three metal cones in a triangular pattern within a metal body, and joined them by a three-legged spider that supported the bridge. The basic design principle is similar to that of a loudspeaker, with the spider replacing the electro-magnetic driver. A later variation, also replicated by Amistar, used a single 9.5-inch cone that dramatically amplified the string vibrations. It had a less mellow sound, desired by some musicians, but increased the volume.To read the whole article Click HERE
Bill Wyman Blues In Schools In Scotland

From the BBC, an article about Bill Wyman who is bringing his photograph collection to schools in Scotland. Wyman who formally played with the Rolling Stones, has a photo display going on at a theater in Scotland, is also doing a blues in schools for some very lucky children in the area. To read about it Click HERE.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Josh White: Nobody Knows You When You Are Down And Out
The Marvelettes: Please Mr. Postman
And The BEATLES:-)
Some nice classic R &B! I love both versions!
Good News For Record Collectors in Palm Beach Florida

I have reported about a few vinyl record stores closing, but in Florida an old store is moving to a new location. According to the Broward-Palm Beach New Times, Blue Note Records is moving into Palm Beach. For the complete news report Click HERE.
Eric Clapton Interviewed On All Things Considered

The great "Slow Hand" was interviewed on All Things Considered, a NPR news show. What is great about NPR is that all of their shows are available as Podcasts! So if you missed the interview like I did, you can still listen to the show by downloading the podcast. Click here for a written article, and to download the podcast. Also check out some of the other great shows available FREE at NPR. I know that my more conservative readers are probably spiting on their monitor at the moment, but personally I don't buy the whole NPR liberal bias BS anyway. Just download music shows, or Car Talk, and enjoy some nice non political programing:-)
Tucson Blues

The Tucson Weekly has an article about the blues in Tucson, and the upcoming Tuscan Blues Heritage Festival this weekend. Here is a schedule of events from the Tuscon Weekly.
Mavis Staples, Charlie Musselwhite, North Mississippi All-Stars and Joe Krown
8 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 20
Centennial Hall, 1022 E. University Blvd.
621-3341Tucson Blues Heritage Festival
11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 21
Reid Park, 900 S. Randolph Way
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lots Of Blues News From Illinois Blues

The great people at Illinois Blues have a lot of great information every week. This week an announcement for bands for a blues challenge in Illinois:
Illinois Central Blues Club - Springfield, IL
Solo/Duo Blues Challenge
The Illinois Central Blues Club will be conducting its first Solo/Duo Blues Challenge on November 3, 2007 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Alamo, located at 115 N. 5th St., Springfield, IL. The winner will receive $200 in travel monies to represent the Club at the Blues Foundation International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN during February 2008. Entries must be received by Monday, October 15, 2007 Complete challenge rules and info available at: Questions? Contact Mark Edmiston, at 217 622-0340 e-mail , or Charlotte A. Montgomery 217 899-9840
Also some blues festivals coming up this weekend!
This weekend brings the Tommy Johnson Blues Festival in Crystal Springs, Mississippi, the Southern Arizona Blues Heritage Festival in Tucson, Arizona, the Buckingham Blues Bar Blues Festival in Ft. Myers, Florida and the ShedHed Blues Festival in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Support Live Blues near you by attending one of these events!
Finally If you don't belong to the Illinois blues email list, or you just want some more great blues news, then check out the links below to my good friends to the east!
New to the Blues Blast & CLICK HERE to go directly to the list of Live Blues Music. Click a link for more Blues content. Reviews Links Audio Interviews Photos Videos Blues Radio To advertise your blues shows or event for FREE Click HERE! To see The Blues Blast Archives Click HERE
Johnny Kilowatt: Got To Move
RL Burnside: Rollin And Tumblin
Junior Kimbrough: Sad Days Lonely Nights
Purdue Blues Research

an unfortunately short on detail report from the Purdue student paper, the Exponent. It sounds like some sort of undergraduate research project, but it also seemed to involve other students. It sounds like fun, it would be interesting to learn more about why the student is doing the project to read about it click here.
Learn To Dance The Blues
The Philadelphia Inquirer has a story about teaching people to dance to the blues. Now, I could be really snarky about this, but I think it is an interesting way to get people to come out to the blues. Click here to read the story.
Matt Dillon To Play Leonard Chess In New Movie??

This is interesting and new to me. Matt Dillon is slated to star in a new bio pic about Leonard Chess founder of Chess Records. The link doesn't provide much information so expect an update as soon as I find some more info.
Pretty much the same info from Yahoo News.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Martha Davis: Martha's Boogie
Ray Charles: In The Evening
Cab Calloway: Blow Top Blues
Shun Kikuta Interveiw

The Chicago Daily Herald has a cool interview with Shun Kikuta the current lead guitarist for Koko Taylor. Shun was born in Japan, and is considered a blues legend in Japan. Check out his story HERE.
Blog Critic: Bassekou Kouyate And Ngoni Ba, Sequ Blue

Interesting review from Blogcritic, about Bassekou Kouyate And Ngoni Ba, and their new release, Sequ Blue. Bassekou is considered one of the best Ngoni (a precursor of the Banjo) players in the world. You could also compare this music as pre-blues, or perhaps prototype blues:-) Either way it is an interesting read. Check out the review HERE.
Ron LaSalle In Lake Forrest November 13

So today I received an email about Ron LaSalle, and his show coming up in Lake Forrest Ill, on November 14. Here is a blurb from Ariel Publicity:
So what if Ron LaSalle is a late bloomer? His tobacco-cured vocals and stellar spirit have emerged fully mature from the confines of the rickhouse. The jazzy, bluesy, twangy mash of soulful roots rock that he distills for his sophomore album, Nobody Rides for Free, is magic and every second worth the wait. Perennially compared to Van Morrison, John Hiatt, Bob Seger and Tom Waits, LaSalle earns similar accolades this time out.
Here is the info about his upcoming gig in Lake Forrest:
- Date
- November 13, 2007, 7 pm
- Venue
- Gorton Comunity Center
Lake Forest, IL
- Ticket price
- 10.00

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Artist Of The Week Naomi Mathers

This weeks artist of the week is Naomi Mathers, from Liverpool England. Naomi is quite the artist! I found her on Youtube when I was trying to find Howling Wolf! Yup, pretty strange, but I am glad I stumbled on to her video, and then her Myspace page. (Click here) I know she is just starting out in the blues, and you know how I feel about youth and the blues, but I like her interpretations of the blues. To listen to her stuff, click on the powered by Youtube video box on the left side of the blog.
Photo Of The Week: The Iowa Blues Showcase House Band

With the internet radio up and running I thought for picture of the week I would include a photo taken by IBSC fan number 1! Rob took a lot of photos of us during our season at the Des Moines Area Community College. It was quite the show, and we recorded 11 episodes there. I promise that sometime this week I will start rebroadcasting the shows on the internet. If you would like to listen to the computerized show then click on the Blues Historian is on the air link at the top of the blog.