Bob Dorr's update for the Blue Band
It's really late and I need to get my sleep so I can carry all that stuff up the 24 stairs to The Reverb stage for this month's TGI Friday show, which just so happens to be my 28th birthday, celebrated for the 29th time! (I think that's 392 in dog years!) I've only got two words to say about the show: BIRTHDAY CAKE! (no jokes about calling the Fire Marshall after lighting all the candles) That's TONIGHT (1/11) The Reverb, 2nd & Main (upstairs) in Sparkle City USA (Cedar Falls) 5:30ish to 9pm. Heath says he's gonna leave right from school in Ankeny and fly up Interstate 35 to join us on sax and Phil Maass (the Wizard of Wires) (the Sultan of Solder) (The Deacon of Decibels) (The Noble Knight of Knobs) will be the sound man. Should be ALOT of fun, especially if you bring CAKE!...Jeff and I will be traveling to Storm Lake on Monday (1/14) to be part of Tom Gary's Blues Class at Buena Vista University. The performance part of the show will be held in Anderson Auditorium which is the small theater located underground next to the library. Show time is 7pm and is open to the public, free of charge...
Next Saturday (1/19) we play Lombardi's, 6 miles south of Dubuque on Hwy 52, 8:30-12:30 (there is a dress code-no blue jeans/t-shirts) the place is smoke free. I've never been there (either) We'll do it for the first time together!...
My Backtracks Rock'n'Roll History show on Iowa Public Radio-KUNI, Saturday night, (1/12, my actual birthday) will be mostly vinyl records that I collected as a kid. I REALLY had fun producing the program. If you've been 28 as many times as I have, I think you're gonna remember alot of these tunes. (unless you have a memory like mine) The show runs 7-10pm (CST) and can be heard anywhere on the planet at www.kuniradio.org...
Because I worked the radio on Xmas Eve, Xmas night and New Years Day night, I get the next two Sundays off. What a great time to have a couple of Sundays off!! The BEST NFL playoff games happen the next two weekends! GO PACK!...
I'm fadin' fast. See ya on the Blue Parkade, Bring yer washboard to the party, and just make a wish and blow...Happy Birthday! Eat Cake! We love you, Bob Dorr & The Blue Band