This will hafta be a quickie, I'm scheduled to be part of a music panel discussing favorite CDs of the summer (I'm the Blues category) in a few hours (10am) on Iowa Public Radio's talk show The Exchange. Find the frequency in your location, or listen on line, at www.iowapublicradio.org Remember the days when we'd just say "oh what the hell, let's just stay up all night..." But, I digress... I am REALLY looking forward to kicking off a new season of First Fridays at The Hub (4th & Main, right here in Sparkle City USA) We've only played once since Sept. 10 and I am jonesin' on playin' the songs. Al is off being a state marching band judge (what?) so Doug Huey, the fellow who played a few songs with us in Clear Lake in July will be the trumpet guy and Bunky will be the saxman/horn section leader (what?) This should be "unique" and loads of fun. The 6-9pm time slot allows for a couple of pops, a slice of pizza (OP pizza by the slice, served hot) 8 or 9 dances with a couple more pops (the drunker you get, the better we sound) and still home, passed out in front of the TV, before the 10 O'clock news gets on. See ya Friday night after work...
Saturday afternoon is just flat out one of the most fun annual events that we get the chance to be part of. The Tabor Family Winery in Baldwin (just a little west of Maquoketa) celebrates another anniversary and the harvesting of the grapes, Saturday afternoon 1-6pm, we play 2-5:30, on the vineyard grounds. (www.taborhomewinery.com) Al will be done marching (what?) and he'll join Bunky in the horn section. We've been part of this celebration for over a decade, it has a multigenerational reunion kind of vibe, and there is lots of wining (but no whining). Bring a picnic basket (sorry, no outside alcohol can be brought on the grounds) or enjoy the sandwiches available on sight. This is a rain or shine event, see ya at the Tabor's!...
The Tabor celebration is always a bitter sweet thing for me. I love doing the date, but it usually marks the end of the outdoor festival season. Damn. Coffee break over, back on our heads. We are not scheduled for another public appearance until 10/31, Halloween Night, when we've been invited to the state of Iowa's #1 blues club, Blues On Grand in Des Moines for their version of the Freaker's Ball! (scary) Be a cool ghoul and join us...
So obviously we're finding it difficult to find acceptable work (OK, I admit it, we're not the cheapest band you can find) Please keep us in mind for any last minute holiday parties, anniversary celebrations, corporate functions, or to play at your local watering hole. We love to play. So step right up, bargains galore, don't be fooled by cheap imitations, it's the year end clearance sale, it's the only band you'll ever need, don't settle for less, never needs ironing and no assembly required!! No serious offer refused, try it today! Do I sound like an agent now??? www.theblueband.com/contactBob.htm (I obviously picked a hell of a time to "retire" from my UNI radio job!) (12 weeks to go before I don't have a regular paycheck anymore) (but who's counting?) What, me worry?...
The one good aspect of not having any Blue Band work was that it offered an opportunity for Carolyn and me to go to Chicago to visit my last living aunts and uncles. My mother's sister Dolores and her brother Donald were twins. They're 82 years old now. They and their spouses still live in the same houses that they lived in when I was growing up in the NW suburbs. I took a giant box of family pictures, many of which I had no clue as to who was pictured, and we spent a Saturday afternoon hearing stories of growing up in a family of ten kids on a 12 acre farm that is now part of one of the runways at O'Hare airport! What a fabulous afternoon! There were quite a few pics of my mother that I did not even recognize her and my dad with jet black wavy hair! Whoa, they were a much better lookin' couple than I ever gave them credit for! (more guilt I've got to carry around! oy vey!)...
I've got to get a few hours of sleep before the radio show in the morning. There probably won't be another Blue Note for a few weeks, unless there's breaking news, like you hired the band to play at your end of summer bash on your deck at your mansion on the outskirts of town. See ya on the Blue Highway, you might have to wear your Blue Band sweatshirt and rub yer washboard tie extra fast to stay warm this weekend, (or just have another bottle of wine) stop texting while your driving, (and don't even get me started about Facebook again) CAKE is a perfect way to celebrate the end of another fantastic summer season, and always remember we love you. Bob Dorr & The Blue Band