By Bob Dorr
Whoa, I can't believe it's already the weekend! Actually, I can't believe it's the last weekend of July! YIKES!...Tonight (Fri) It's time for a Party In The Park in Chuck Town (Charles City) You probably already knew that because you saw the 2.5 minute interview on KWWL-TV today. Veronica (the manager of the event, who was also on TV) says there's a new stage in Central Park this year (I think this is the 4th year we've been part of this series) we play 5-9pm, it's free and open to the public and, with the Avenue of The Saints, (Highways 218/27) it's only about a 45 minute drive from Sparkle City. ROAD TRIP!!...
Saturday is one of those annual dates that I really look forward to. The Wells Fargo Street Fair in Davenport, where we play just a few blocks from my high school, Davenport Central, the home of the BLUE Devils! A few of my high school chums always show up. Some of them bring their kids. Some of them bring their kids' kids, making it a genuine multi-generational street dance. We play 7:30-9:30p. The stage is between 2nd & 3rd Street, right off Main. Get there early for The Ellis Kell Band right before us. Stay late for Wicked Liz & The Bellyswirls right after us (Liz & The Boys are recording a live album and have snookered me into playing a song or two in the early part of their set)...
Next Thursday (7/31) is the makeup date for the July 2 postponement of the Porky's Parking lot Patio Party, 44th & Douglas in Des Moines. Bring your bike (Harley or Schwinn) we play 6:15-9:15p The burgers are great, Porky's Pink Ladies are sublime and the people watching is surreal!...
And Sat. Aug. 2 (remember, NEXT week is AUGUST!!) We play the Windsor Heights (suburban Des Moines) 4th of July Celebration (that's right, the 4th of July has been moved to the 2nd of August this year) that was flooded out on Independence Day. Colby Park (just off of 69th and University) has a brand new permanent stage. There will be 4 bands thru the day, we play 7-10p, and then the fireworks. It's another chance to make sure your sparkler isn't a dud...
I've hosted Iowa Public Radio's talk show The Exchange twice this last week. Last Friday was the neurologist/brain researcher from the U of I, which actually turned out to be a great interview/learning experience for me. You can hear that at: http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kuni/local-kuni-732467.mp3 And Wednesday I talked to four fellows in Bejing China about the music scene in the worlds most populous country! (Remember, if you're one-in-a-million in China, there's A THOUSAND of you in that country!) You can hear that interview at: http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kuni/local-kuni-734394.mp3 The producer of the show is taking a few vacation days next week, so I won't be doing The Exchange next week, but I'm told that the host of the other IPR talk show, Talk At Twelve, is going on vacation for a couple of weeks in August (did you know that August is only A WEEK away?) and I will probably help fill in on that show (which is great, since that one is more on my regular bio-rhythm schedule) I'm havin' a ball hosting these shows (you know I'm a talk show junky, don't you?) I'll try and have some more info on my hosting days next week...
My sleep schedule has really been messed up lately (yes, it's hard to believe that I actually was up and functioning BEFORE 8:15am, 6 out of the last 10 days) it makes it hard to dream about CAKE! See yas on the Blue Highway, USE YER DAMN TURN SIGNALS (a blast from the past) Keep rubbin' it (yer zydeco tie) and always remember we love you. Bob Dorr & The Blue Band