After much thought I have
decided to back John Edwards for President of the United States. I know that those of you from the right are probably going to get very upset, and send the emails about politics and blues, (BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,) Okay, I admit it, I am no longer afraid of upsetting you. For too many years we operated under the idea that in order to not make you mad we would stay away from politics, while we would let you spout off yours. However, I think we are all tired of the BS from the right. I like Edwards because he rises above the BS. He has a plan for health care that none of the others have even thought about doing. In fact, I have a DVD where he lays out his plans.
I think that perhaps only one other
candidate from either the Republican or Democratic party is probably more prepared then John Edwards, and that is New Mexico's governor Bill Richardson. Bill Richardson has worked at all levels of government, has dealt with the North Koreans, and other thugs in the world
successfully. He is probably one of the best prepared presidential
candidates in the last 50 years.
Unfortunately, he probably won't win because he lacks money, and recognition. However, I think an Edwards/Richardson
ticket could be very, very exciting. Just remember you heard it here first!