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The Iowa Blues Showcase is on the AIR
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Okay, so after he sold his soul to the devil years later he dies. Of course he wasn't attacked by dogs, and he didn't say he was attacked by dogs. He was poisoned while playing in a juke joint. According to either Son House or Sonny Boy Williamson,( I thought it was house, but I have seen Sonny Boy mentioned as well) Robert was offered an open flask of whiskey. Son knocked the bottle out of his hand and told Robert to never drink whiskey from an opened flask. Robert was angry, and when another opened flask came by he drank from it. It was poisoned by the husband of one of Robert's women friends. The poison didn't kill him instantly, he lingered for several days. Long enough for his mother to reach him before he died. He wasn't crawling on the floor baying at the moon, or anything else. He was far too sick. The poison didn't kill him, but accumulated fluids filled his lungs and he died of Pneumonia. He did renounce his music from his death bed according to his mother, but given the circumstances, and his young age, it is understandable that he would feel that way. this clip here is another wild interpretation of the death of Robert Johnson.
Finally here is a clip that gets pretty close. To what really happened. However, Robert did not die alone, but no supernational event caused his death. Then the interesting epilogue as told by Son House tries to figure out why Robert was so good at guitar. He still makes the devil claim, but then makes other claims, and finally accepts the fact that people believe otherwise! Very clever.
Internet radio: Classic Blues Radio
Now some of the big corporate bigwigs have tried to dirty the water, claiming that the little independent stations, and the small NPR stations that broadcast on the net are big corporations stealing money from poor starving artists. This is incredibly laughable. Clear channel and other big media giants who control your Am and FM dial, will be the only ones able to afford to broadcast on the Internet after July 15th, and don't think for a moment that this isn't intentional. Granted they will pay higher fees as well, but they also will have LESS COMPETITION. They also can offset fees by CHARGING YOU TO LISTEN TO THEIR CRAP ON THE INTERNET. Think about it. Major league sports charge you to listen to their games on the Internet. Rush Limbaugh, Coast to Coast Am charge people to listen to their shows. However, the bulk of Internet radio IS FREE!!!!!!!!! The majority of Internet broadcasters are people like YOU AND ME!!!!!!
Internet radio is only a small part of the bigger problem of corporate takeover of everything from politics, media, music, religion, science, and education. It is almost as if Regan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush (W), have turned back the clock to the gilded age. Welcome to 1890 America!
So anyway please give a listen to Classic blues radio. DJ Ron from Ashbury Park NJ brings you some great blues. just click on this link, and then click on the yellow circle with the speaker on it, and enjoy some of the last free blues on the Internet.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Dr John: Such a Night
Dr John: Zu Zu Mamou
Tab Benoit video interview
Tab Benoit Interview

The News Tribune from Tacoma Washington has an interview with Tab Benoit. Tab won an emmy in 2006, and has a recent release Power Of The Pontchartrain. Tab plays in Tacoma tonight.
Porquis Bluesfest

Ontario blues fans have a great fest starting today and running through the weekend. The 10th Annual Porquis Bluesfest is going on through Sunday. For more info click on the link to their website HERE for more info.
Here is the lineup from the website:
The line-up for this year's festival, which runs July 6th, 7th and 8th, includes three Juno Award winning headliners - Garrett Mason, Fathead and Jack DeKeyzer; Brian Blain; and local and regional bands the Hurtin' Blues Band, Bob Wills and the Groove, Sab and the Family Band, Little Lisa Gibson, Soul Doubt and the Shaftmen.
Friday night kicks off with Brian Blain, Soul Doubt, Little Lisa Gibson, Bob Wills and the Groove, and Sab and the Family Band. Saturday features headliners Garrett Mason, Fathead and Jack Dekeyzer, the Hurtin' Blues Band, The Shaftmen, and encore preformances by Brian Blain, Bob Wills and the Groove, and Sab and the Family Band. Sunday morning includes a breakfast jam with Sab and friends - come for the breakfast, stay for the music!
Computers For Quads.

Just got this from Illinois blues website email. There is an important fundraiser going on this Sunday in Morton Illinois. If you are in the area come and show your support.
Dear Blues Fans and Friends,
I rarely feel an event is worthy of sending to you outside of the weekly Blues Blast newsletter. This one is near and dear to my heart.
This Sunday there is a benefit in Central Illinois that I personally put together. It is for a friend but he needs nothing except you to help him help others. The benefit is for the Not for Profit corporation Computers for Quads. Computers for Quads was founded by ALS patient , Tom "Slider" Nelson. Tom was a member of the Central Illinois band the Flying Drito Brothers. He is a retired Illinois Central College psychology professor turned professional dobro player and mandolinist.
Tom was stricken with ALS, also known as Lou Gherig's disease in 2001. ALS is a neuromuscular disease that causes victims to progressively lose the use of their muscles. Tom is completely paralyzed by the disease, has totally lost the use of his limbs and extremities and is on a respirator which breathes for him.
Toms mind is not damaged at all from the disease and he still communicates with his laptop and a pair eyeglasses that has a camera on them. The camera follows his eyes and he can blink to choose letters on his laptop computer screen. He blinks out letters to form words, then the computer will communicate the words for him.
Tom currently resides in California with his daughter. He built the Computers for Quads (C4Q) website himself using his eyes to program html code. Check out this website at: It is a testament to this paralyzed man's will to help others!
Computers for Quads helps other quadriplegics get laptops and special equipment so they too can continue to be a person with an identity and communicate with others. This first annual fundraiser is an effort to get funds for an inventory of laptops for quadriplegic clients. PLEASE HELP!
If you are within driving distance of Central Illinois, please try to make this event. We have great music (A good portion of it Hot Blues), good food and drink and some great raffle items to help raise money for this cause. If you are too far away thanks for your patience in letting me communicate this and I ask you to please check out the website and consider donating. Details of the event are below.
Thank You!
Bob Kieser
Music Benefit
Sunday July 8, 2007 Noon to 10:00pm
Paddy O'Flaherty's Irish Pub & Eatery
Banquet Room, Best Western Ashland House
201 Ashland Ave, Morton, IL
Just off I-74 near Ruby Tuesday's
309 266-6919
Noon Nate Kieser & Kevin Smith w/special guest Brian Stear
1:15pm Dave McDonald & Friends
2:30pm The Bill Porter Project
3:45pm Flying Drito Brothers
5:00pm Robin Crowe Band
6:15pm Doc Rodgers & the Rock Dodgers
7:30 Rooster Alley
$5 donation to benefit Computers4Quads
Great Food, Drink, raffle items and music by Central Illinois Best Bands!
For Further information call 309 267-4425
Help support Don’t Miss This Great Show!
Cash donations are being accepted. We are accepting donations of raffle items to help raise money.
To donate items call 309 267-4425 to arrange pick up of items or cash donations.
To donate CASH go to
All donations are tax deductible.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Furry Lewis: When I Lay My Burden Down
I also think that Forrest Gump taught Elvis to dance!
Guitar Shorty: Wild Walking Guitar Solo
Tons Of Great Shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illinois Blues has a great newsletter and email service that keeps people in the upper Midwest up to date. Here is a list of some great blues fests coming up here in the heartland from Illinois Blues.
Nothin' But The Blues Festival
July 20th and 21st, 2007
Tri-Lakes Club - 2100 Bunn St
Bloomington, Illinois * Directions *
CLICK HERE for Festival Website
CLICK HERE For Tickets or further Info
Friday July 20th
Gates Open at 5:00 pm
6:00 pm Rooster Alley
7:00 pm Doña Oxford
8:15 pm John Primer and the Real Deal Blues Band
9:30 pm Blues Caravan 2007 "The Guitar Women"
**Sue Foley - Debra Coleman - Roxanne Potvin*"
Saturday July 21st
Gates Open at NOON
1:30 pm The Gumbo Element - Featuring Steve "The Harp"
3:00 pm Soulard Blues Band
5:00 pm Darrien Saffron and the Soul Sensations
6:15 pm Big Ray and Chicago's Most Wanted
7:45 pm Tab Benoit
9:45 pm C.J. Chenier
1:00 - 4:00 pm Kids Face Painting
1:00 - 4:00 pm The Unique Twist
The only Blues festival in the Midwest held on an island in the middle of the Mississippi River!
July 27th & 28th, 2007
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin on St. Feriole Island
Click HERE for Complete Schedule
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Tom Hunter Band - Shannon Curfman - Alvin Jett & Phat noiZ - Tab Benoit
Plus Big Daddy Cade & The Blues Masters
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Everett Smithson Band - Kevin "B.F." Burt & the Instigators - Mark Sallings & the Famous Unknowns
Steve Arvey & The Saxtelles - Lil' Ed & The Blues Imperials Anthony Gomes
Plus Pete Cornelius (from Australia)
Festival Website
Miller Lite
Spoon River Blues Festival
JULY 28, 2007 - NOON TO MOON
INGERSOLL COUNTRY MANOR (Route 78 N. - North of Canton, IL)
Steve the Harp & the Blues Deacons
All roads lead to Sun Prairie for the 1st Annual
Angell Park, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Saturday, September 8, 2007 Noon to 10:00 p.m.
Shari Davis & the Hootchy-Kootchy Band
Tate’s and the 008 Blues Band
Tickets: $10.00 in advance / $15.00 at the gate
For Complete Information and schedule CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE to visit Festival website!
7th Annual
August 23-25, 2007
The Longbranch, Winton, MN - DIRECTIONS
Thursday, August 23
7:00 Both Barrels
9:00 PM Scottie Miller and the Re-Uptake Inhibitors
Friday, August 24
3:00 PM Scottie Miller and the Re-Uptake Inhibitors
5:00 PM Reverend Raven and the Chain Smokin' Alter Boys
7:00 PM Jason Ricci & New Blood
9:00 PM Shawn Kellerman
Saturday, August 25
1:00 PM Lisa Wenger
3:00 PM Johnny Rawls
5:00 PM Diunna Greenleaf and Blue Mercy
7:00 PM Paul Mayasich With Benderheads
9:00 PM Anthony Gomes
For more information call 218 365-2440
Another The Blues Are Dying News Article
Read the Article from the Broward Palm Beach New Times HERE.
Guitar Shorty Interveiw

From the San Antonio Express News comes an interview with Guitar Shorty. One of the interesting facts from the interview is that Guitar Shorty married Marsha Hendrix step sister of Jimi Hendrix. The story tries to imply that Guitar Shorty's wild stage shows influenced Hendrix, and it is quite possible. Remember that nothing happens in a vacuum, as Guitar Shorty mentioned he got the idea to do wild stage shows from watching Guitar Slim.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy Fourth Of July

BTW, for the rest of the week the artist of the week is John Phillip Sousa. Sousa was one of the great marching band composers of the end of the 1800s. Sousa and marching music incredibly enough plays apart of Jazz History. Marching music was a huge fad in the early 1900s. Many musicians in New Orleans played march music. Especially among the creole (mixed race) musicians who could read music. After Plessy vs Ferguson, segregation forced mixed race creoles musician into the black area of town. in particular Storyville, which was the African American red light district. Creole musicians brought syncopation from marching music and mixed it with the blues, and Jazz was born. So enjoy some marching music on the 4th of July!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Photos From the Iowa Blues Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony

Andy Coats wins Triangle Blues Soceity Blues Challenge.
Congrats to my old friend Andy Coats who won the Blues Challege put on by the Triangle Blues Society. Andy sent me a letter, that went out to his fans.
Check it out!
Hey folks,
Great news here: last night at the Blue Bayou Club, I won the Triangle Blues Society (TBS) Challenge in the solo/duo category!
The competition was tough, with many outstanding musicians in both the solo/duo and band categories, but I’m thrilled to have come away with 1st prize.
This will give me the pleasure and honor of representing the TBS at the International Blues Challenge, to be held in January, 2008, in Memphis, TN.
It will be my first trip to the big event, and it seems only fitting that I do so by representing the TBS – which, after all, is based in the area where I was born and raised.
Many special thanks to all the volunteers at TBS, the great folks at the Blue Bayou, the other participants in the challenge, and to all of you who have supported my endeavors over the years!
I’m honored and humbled to have this opportunity.
All the best,
Triangle Blues Society –
Blue Bayou Club –