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Saturday, September 15, 2007
James Morrison: You Give Me Something
No, not Jim Morrison, but James Morrison! This is a fan video made of clips of Ballykissangel. Ballykissangel is the story of a love affair between and English Catholic Priest and an Irish pub owner. It is a really good TV show, and if you haven't seen the first three seasons you are missing out. It was shot in Ireland just south of Dublin in the little village of Avoca. It was a fun show, but had this tinge of sadness due to the unrequited love affair of the priest and the pub owner. That said the song they chose was incredible. this kid has some pipes,and can really sing. In fact for a brit he ain't half bad:-) He almost sounds Irish:-)
Here is an video of him doing an unplugged version. all I can say is wow!
Here is an video of him doing an unplugged version. all I can say is wow!
Stevie Ray Vaughn: Scuttle Buttin, Say What
Want to hear an amazing blues guitarist, then listen to some Stevie Ray. Scuttle Buttin is one of those insane instrumentals that Stevie would do.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Blues and Snake: Dirty Woman
I think if you listen, perhaps you can hear some Foghat going on there. This is about as close to blues these guys get! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the future of the blues??????
Otis Redding Exhibit Opens In Macon Georgia.

A great article from the Canadian Press, about the new exhibit opening up in Macon Georgia, in tribute to the great soul singer Otis Redding. Redding died tragically in a plane crash at the way to early age of 26. Otis Redding was one of the greats, and it is a shame that he died so young. One can only imagine what he would have accomplished had he lived. Not only was he a great singer, and entertainer, but he also wrote some great songs. To check out the article Click HERE.
Blogcritic: Geroge Thorogood And The Destroyers, Bad To The Bone,25th Anniversary Edition

Blog Critic has a review of the 25th Anniversary release of Bad To The Bone, by George Thorogood. Thorogood certainly had a hot streak going, back in the early 80s and this release covers it all. It is a great review so to read it Click HERE.
You Got To Be Kidding!!

Okay, hype is one thing, but this is ridiculous. There is a band from Knutsford England, Blues and Snake, that is some sort of combo of thrash metal, blues, (trust me barely blues, but it is in there especially the song dirty women from their myspace page. Of course dirty woman starts out okay, until the guy sings and ruins it, and I thought the Germans couldn't sing! ACK!!! It reminds of the German punk band Labach from the 70s.) However, it is the article from Manchester Evening News that really bothered me. First, why call them anything close to a blues band or a slice of delta blues like the title. If this is the future of the blues, then it is time to put the blues out of its misery, because this is NOT THE BLUES. I sorry, I actually understand the teen angst thing, and the need for loud screaming obnoxious music, but kids, stick to the punk, and metal, and leave the blues to the old guys. Second, why all this crap about Robert Johnson! For the Millionth time it was TOMMY JOHNSON who sold his soul to the devil not Robert. Here is what David Sue wrote about the band.
But much like Jack and Meg White, Blues& Snake know that when it comes to SERIOUS blues music, you have a duty to create your own sense of dark, twisted theatre. These four, pasty-white kids, who hail originally from glamorous Knutsford, transplant the listener to the mythical crossroads where Robert Johnson made a pact with the devil.Serious Blues music!!! Oh please! Get over yourself. 90 percent of blues, is music to chase the blues away. WTF is this creating a dark twisted theater about?????? Serisouly, Dave, get the history straight. Dont be so damn lazy, and just pull things, as they say in jolly ol England, OUT OF YOUR ARSE, . BTW, if you want to know what the lyrics for Crossroads is really talking about, and the true story of Robert Johnson then read this POST.
However, we can't let the kids off easy. Here is a quote from the article from them:
"The best blues is all about putting on an act,'' says the band's guitarist Paul Vickers. ``It's all about drawing the listener into your world. Of course, we're not 100-year-old bluesmen who hang about with prostitutes! We're 20-year-olds from the north of England. But it's important to create a world which draws people in. It's all quite tongue-in-cheek what we talk about in our songs.''
HUH?!??!?!?!?!?! Putting on an act?!?!?? Okay, maybe Elwood, and Jake Blues were putting on an act, BUT THEY WEREN'T REAL. Clapton??? Is he putting on act?? BB???? Muddy???? hmmmmmmmmm. Putting on a show, yes, putting on an act no. I can see your confusion, I mean the Stones, and Zeplin were putting on an act when they did blues song, but the real deal bluesman, no way. Furthermore what is the bit about 100 year old bluesmen and prostitutes??? hmmmmm, must be an English thing.
I think the bottom line, is that you need to respect the music, respect the players who came before you, and respect the history, because if you don't then you are just another rock/metal/punk band pretending to be a blues band, and trust me guys, people who know and love the blues don't take kindly to posers.
Check out the comments. Ash from the band has corrected information from the reporter. Like always the guy who wrote the story waxed a little too poetically about the band, and added quotes that they didn't say, or that they called themselves a blues band. I like the kids honesty, and I also realize that reporters are pretty lazy. Like I always say, if you like something don't rely on the critics. BUY THE CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Marvin Gaye: Whats Going on /Whats Happening Brother
A different version of Whats Going On, from an earlier post. Also included is Whats Happening Brother. This is soul music at its greatest.
Charlie Musselwhite: Gone To Long
Charlie Musselwhite from 2006. Hey Birmingham don't miss this guy tomorrow, or the next day!!!
Blogcritic: DVD Review, Marvin Gaye: Greatest Hits Live

A great buy, and a great review from Blogcritic, about the new DVD release of Marvin Gaye: Greatest Hits Live. It comes from concert footage from 1976 probably at the hight of Marvin Gaye's popularity before fading until his brief comeback in the early 80s with Sexual Healing. To check out the review Click HERE.
Edward "Eddie" Berner RIP
Eddie Berner was not a blues performer in a traditional sense, but was dubbed Chicago's number one blues fan. This is a great article about a man who loved the blues, and even though saddled with disabilities, still managed to make it to the clubs to hear the music, and see the performers he loved. A touching story about a great man. The story comes from the Chicago Tribune, to read more about Mr. Berner, Click HERE.
Charlie Musselwhite Interveiw

Here is a good interview with legendary blues harpman, Charlie Musselwhite. It is in the Birmingham Weekly. Musselwhite will perform two shows September 14 and 15th at the Hoover library in Birmingham Alabama. To read the interview Click HERE.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Blues History On UK Radio
The Telegraph from the UK, has a great article about early blues history, and the female blues singers who dominated those early years. (Click HERE for the story) It also talks about how a lot of the early blues were, ah, hmmmmm, shall we say, ummmmmmmmm, Naughty!!!!!!!!:-) Apparently this article is to promote a radio show on Radio 4. We have a lot of visitors from England, so don't miss this cool show. I don't know if it will be podcast, but you might check this link. If they internet broadcast it live, which I am sure they probably do, then don't forget that England is 4 hours ahead of Eastern daylight savings time, 5 Central, 6 mountain, and 7 Pacific.
St Louis Blues
The Student Life, a student newspaper from Washington University in St Louis has a great article about the blues in St Louis. Nice pics and a guide on where to go. St Louis has three great blue clubs within walking distance of each other, and apparently good BBQ can also be found there. Blues and BBQ are a must!!!:-) To read this fine student run paper, Click HERE.
Wilson " Willie Tee" Turbinton RIP

Wilson "Willie Tee" Turbinton passed away yesterday. He was one of the great New Orleans piano players. For information about his death Click here for the Obit from the New Orleans Times Picayune. For more info on Willie Tee Check out his website HERE.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Steve Goodman: Red Red Robin
Steve Goodman doing an old, old, classic blues/ragtime song. You know it may not be technically the best ever version, but you can't help buy smile when this guy performs. He one of those performers who gave his all on every song, and you have to appreciate that, and the crowd certainly did in this performance. BTW, that is Arlo Guthrie doing the intro!
Louis Armstrong: Basin Street Blues
Satchmo playing one of the great New Orleans style blues songs. If I read the credits right this was filmed in Stuttgart Germany. One of the reasons African Americans loved playing in Europe was they were treated the same as whites. In America, even as late as the late 50s when this film was shot, most black performers had to stay in black hotels in America. Louie had broken the color barrier for himself by that time, but this wasn't true for most African American performers. I once talked to a reporter for the old Tribune, which was printed in Des Moines. He recalled interviewing Little Richard in an old boarding house on Center Street since he couldnt stay in the white hotel while performing in Des Moines. It didnt matter that Little Richard had a ton of hits records, and was famous world wide. He had to stay in the black neighborhood. So when these artists went to Europe and found out you could stay where you wanted, eat where you wanted, and not have to worry about going into a white only restroom, then they stayed. Even Louie stayed in Europe off and on during his career. So one can see why these great jazz and blues performers stayed in Europe once they got there.
Blues Documentary
A short portion of a documentary about the blues. It is called Drink House To Church House Blues. I have not seen the whole thing, and this is only about 9 minutes worth, but it looks really good.
Blues In Schools Canada Style!

Another nice article about blues in schools (BITS). The Daily Gleaner from Canada, has an article about Rev Robert Jones and his program of presenting the blues to kids. I can certainly attest to kids love of the blues. My students at the elementary school even wrote their own blues song. ABC Blues!! In fact, it is one of their favorite songs. To read more about the Rev Robert Jones, and BITS Click HERE.
Reminder Blues At The Beach
Quick reminder for those of you in Virgina. Blues on the Beach is taking place this weekend. You can check out my earlier post here.
You can check out the Blues at the Beach website HERE.
and here is the line up from the website:
You can check out the Blues at the Beach website HERE.
and here is the line up from the website:
Schedule of events:
Friday, September 14, 2007
7:00pm-8:00pm, RYLO
8:30pm-10:15pm, Mark Hummel’s Blues Harmonica Blowout, presented by Hohner, featuring Greg “Fingers” Taylor, James Harman, and Lil’ Ronnie Owens
Saturday, September 15, 2007
2:00pm-3:00pm, Bryan Dunn Blues Band
3:00pm-3:30pm, Natchel’ Blues Network workshop
3:45pm-5:00pm, Mighty Lester
5:00pm-5:30pm, Natchel’ Blues Network workshop
5:45pm-6:45pm, Maurice John Vaughn
7:15pm-8:45pm, Delmark’s Chicago Blues Revue featuring Maurice John Vaughn, Shirley Johnson, and Jimmy Burns
9:15pm-10:45pm, Michael Burks
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Noon-1:00pm, The Michael Clark Band featuring Tracy Clark
1:00pm-1:30pm, Natchel’ Blues Network workshop
1:45pm-3:00pm, Fiona Boyes and The Fortune Tellers
3:30pm-5:00pm, Janiva Magness and Debbie Davies
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Rutles: Get Up And Go
Keeping with the theme of parody. Here are the Rutles recreating the famous rooftop concert of the Beatles in 1969. If you ever get a chance to see All You Need Is Cash, the Beatle parody by the Rutles, you need to watch it. Great music, and great laughs. John Belushi makes a brief appearance as the Rutles second manager, and does a typical over the top Belushi scene. priceless:-) It also features more Saturday Night Live stars, Monty Python stars, and George Harrison as a reporter!!:-)
The Diamonds: Little Darlin
I not sure about this one. I know it is a great song, but the legend of the song, is that the Diamonds were four frat boys, who did this as a parody of Doo Wop, and ooops! It becomes a hit. However, it is a fun song, so check it out.
Of course here they are 40 years or so still hamming it up:-) Not bad for old guys:-)
Of course here they are 40 years or so still hamming it up:-) Not bad for old guys:-)
Harper Interview

You remember two weeks ago, when I had my adventurous Friday night in Des Moines, and discovered the former Aussie, now living in Michigan blues harmonica player Harper at Blues On Grand. Well, here is a too short interview with the magic harp player from the Ann Arbor News. (read the interview HERE)It is also an old story, so if you were in Ann Arbor, or Detroit and missed this guys show, you really missed a good one! Keep an eye out for this guy, he puts on a good show.
Film Fest Starts Tomorrow As Part Of The Mississippi Delta Blues And Heritage Festival

Just ran across this today. Tomorrow there is a film festival that is part of the Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival. According to the Delta Democrat Times the film festival takes place at Nelco Cineplex on Mississippi 1 South. Hopefully if you are down there, you know where that is at:-) Here is the schedule of films that will start at noon tomorrow.
“The Death of Emmett Till” by Stanley Nelson, noon
“Teranga Blues” by Simbi Hall, 2 p.m.n
“The Legend of Black Tom” by Deron Albright, 4 p.m.
“Long Story Short” by Hall, 4:20 p.m.
“Silence” by Matee Kemet, 4:40 p.m.
“Don't Shoot the Messenger” by Ngozi Onwurah, 5:30 p.m.
“Before the Music Dies,” featuring Erykah Badu, Bonnie Raitt and the festival performers the North Mississippi All-Stars, and narrated by Forrest Whitaker, 7:30 p.m.; and “Muddy Waters Can't Be Satisfied” by Robert J. Gordon of Memphis, 9 p.m.
For more information Click HERE.
Da Blues In Roanoke Virginia
Great article in the Roanoke Times, about the growth of blues in Roanoke Virginia. Two blues fests, and two restaurants that play the blues, makes me hungry for some BBQ, or some down home Soul Food. I really haven't had any good soul food since leaving KC. One of the schools that I worked at called Pershing Elementary (long gone now) had a cook, who knew how to cook. When I left Pershing I would actually travel during lunch, from Troost Elementary, to Pershing just to eat lunch:-) To read more about Roanoke and the blues Click HERE.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Taylor Hicks: Rocking Blues Medly
Jan shot this nice video of Taylor Hicks playing down at Antoine's in Austin.
Artisit Of The Week Hawkeye Herman

Photo Of The Week: John Lukehart

Photo of the week is my good friend John Lukehart. John is one of those incredible guitar players, that seems to come and go from the Des Moines scene. Once again he has dropped off the face of the earth. I don't know what it is about friends of mine from Marshalltown, but they tend to do this quite often:-) John's claim to fame is his outstanding tone and amazingly complex licks on the guitar. He certainly helped solidify a lot of my early songs by knowing when to play lead, when to play rhythm, and when to rock out! I have not seen or heard from him in a couple of months. Disconnected phone, email doesn't work, so If you have seen this phenom guitar player please contact me. Also he sometimes disappears to the California area. in particular San Diego. If you hear a hot guitar player singing Mustang Sally, then it is probably him:-)
Blues Event At the State Historical Society Of Iowa
Mississippi Blues was shown by the State Historical Society of Iowa, at the
Historical Building in Des Moines. I actually was disappointed. It was a movie made in the late 70s, or early 80s, and was about a team of French documentary film makers and their adventures in Mississippi. It painted a pretty bleak painting of life in Mississippi, and the politics of the era, so in a way it was a dated movie, and yet it is an important film that it captured what life was life then. While there was blues music in the movie, for the most part I think the title really meant, hard luck in Mississippi. However, my part in the days adventure had nothing to do with the movie. I was there to help lead a discussion with Hobart DePatton about Center Street. Below is a picture of an exhibit on permanent display at the Historical Building. The majority of the exhibit was donated by Hobart DePatton, and belonged to his father who was the local printer on Center.

I was suppose to lead discussion with Hobart about Center Street, but things got mixed up! That was alright, because when dealing with the blues you need to ad lib:-)Mr. DePatton ending up on stage with the people who were going to discuss the music of Center Street. In the picture below you have from left to right Hobart DePatton, Mel Harper(owner of two clubs located in the Bilikin Ballroom) George Davis,(Guitarist and Vocalist for the Soul Brothers, and currently Sumptin To Do) and Harlan Thomas (Keyboard Player, and Vocalists for the Soul Brothers, and currently Backstage Boogie Band)

George Davis on Guitar

Harlan Thomas On Keyboard

However, I did play a part in the festivities. I was asked to introduce Cheryl Pryor, and Jack Lufkin. I told a couple of stories about Jimmy Pryor, and then introduced his wife Cheryl, then Jack Lufkin one of the curators at SHSI came down and accepted from Cheryl Jimmy's legendary Kazoo. Hopefully, in a few weeks Cheryl will also donate one of Jimmy's cool suits so that they can have a display of Jimmy's memorabilia.

It was a nice afternoon of blues, and while the crowd was disappointedly small, those who were there had a great time. I will post the photos that I have on my myspace page. I will update this page, and put up a hotlink to the photos once I get it done.
Photos are up CLICK HERE
Historical Building in Des Moines. I actually was disappointed. It was a movie made in the late 70s, or early 80s, and was about a team of French documentary film makers and their adventures in Mississippi. It painted a pretty bleak painting of life in Mississippi, and the politics of the era, so in a way it was a dated movie, and yet it is an important film that it captured what life was life then. While there was blues music in the movie, for the most part I think the title really meant, hard luck in Mississippi. However, my part in the days adventure had nothing to do with the movie. I was there to help lead a discussion with Hobart DePatton about Center Street. Below is a picture of an exhibit on permanent display at the Historical Building. The majority of the exhibit was donated by Hobart DePatton, and belonged to his father who was the local printer on Center.

I was suppose to lead discussion with Hobart about Center Street, but things got mixed up! That was alright, because when dealing with the blues you need to ad lib:-)Mr. DePatton ending up on stage with the people who were going to discuss the music of Center Street. In the picture below you have from left to right Hobart DePatton, Mel Harper(owner of two clubs located in the Bilikin Ballroom) George Davis,(Guitarist and Vocalist for the Soul Brothers, and currently Sumptin To Do) and Harlan Thomas (Keyboard Player, and Vocalists for the Soul Brothers, and currently Backstage Boogie Band)

George Davis on Guitar

Harlan Thomas On Keyboard

However, I did play a part in the festivities. I was asked to introduce Cheryl Pryor, and Jack Lufkin. I told a couple of stories about Jimmy Pryor, and then introduced his wife Cheryl, then Jack Lufkin one of the curators at SHSI came down and accepted from Cheryl Jimmy's legendary Kazoo. Hopefully, in a few weeks Cheryl will also donate one of Jimmy's cool suits so that they can have a display of Jimmy's memorabilia.

It was a nice afternoon of blues, and while the crowd was disappointedly small, those who were there had a great time. I will post the photos that I have on my myspace page. I will update this page, and put up a hotlink to the photos once I get it done.
Photos are up CLICK HERE
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