Just got this from Bob. It is sad to hear about the loss of Jeff's Mom, and Steve's Father in law.
Every year when the weather here in Sparkle City delivers 25 below windchills, I promise myself NO MORE IOWA WINTERS! Maybe next year...Our Blue Family is experiencing death this week. Steve Hayes' father-in-law, Dr. Ed Ceilley passed away on Monday. This morning, Jeff Petersen's mother Virginia passed away. Tho' both people have been struggling for quite a long time, finality always comes too soon. I did not know Dr. Ceilley personally, but his influence on the Cedar Falls community was gigantic. He had a long and popular family practice in our town and spent many years in the county coroner office. Condolences go out to Steve's wife Angie for the loss of her father. I did know Virginia Petersen. She was always encouraging our band, opened her little house to us whenever we were around Clinton IA and needed a place to stay, and made some of the BEST brownies I've ever tasted! Sincere condolences to Jeff, who has been a friend, coworker, and brother to me for 30 years. Times like this make me think too much. Life's short. Tell the people who you love how much they mean to you TODAY...
The combination of these deaths and the prediction of 30 below windchills through this weekend has made it that we needed to postpone Saturday night's appearance at Lombardi's, south of Dubuque. Lombardi's and the Blue Band want to reschedule, I'll let you know the specific date as soon as that is formalized...
Next Sat., Jan 26 has us trying to help raise money for the Animal Rescue League in Marshalltown. The event takes place at the Coloseum, on Main St. Food and band and most importantly, support of animals, is all included in your $30, tax deductible ticket. Heath and Tommy "T-Bone" Giblin (Iowa Blues Hall of Famer) have promised to be part of the band, so lets' PARTY LIKE AN ANIMAL!! More info and advance tickets available at 641-753-9046...
Because of the gig cancellation, I'm planning on doing my Backtracks radio show live tomorrow night (Sat. 7-10pm) Requests, comments, salutations at -1-800-772-2440, ext. 5. Talk to me babies! KUNI went back to full power Wednesday at 2pm after repairs, due to the ice damage that happened Dec. 1, finally were finished. (you couldn't get me to climb up on a 2000 foot broadcast tower for ANYTHING! Especially during these Iowa winters!) This means that all the satellite frequencies in Dubuque, Quad Cities, and Des Moines should be back to normal. Find the frequency in your area or listen on line at www.kuniradio.org...
Times like this remind me of the Rev. Gary Davis' song Death Don't Have No Mercy In This Land. We love you... Bob Dorr & The Blue Band